Sunday, July 27, 2008

A couple of great resources

I found Marketing Voices via iTunes and Marketing Voices is a fantastic source to hear interviews with the leaders who are shaping social media.

Resource #2 is FriendFeed, which I learned of when listening to this interview with Co-Founder of FriendFeed, Bret Taylor courtesy of Marketing Voices.

FriendFeed is a solid Web 2.0 enabling application that takes feeds from friends (great name, ha?) on applications like Twitter, Flickr, Digg, and YouTube. It even allows you to display that content in Facebook. The thing I don't like about it, is the default view on Facebook is of your own feeds, not your friends. I would like to see a setting that would allow me to show my friends' feeds by default.

I have no idea how something like FriendFeed ever becomes a profitable business. It feels like a feature, rather than a product, that will likely be acquired by another company and integrated into a broader suite of social media tools.

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